null Can-Be Territorial Alliance (Carbon Neutral Province of Belluno)

Can-Be Territorial Alliance

08 April 2024
Feltre (Belluno)
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Clivet is a PARTNER of the"Can-Be Territorial Alliance (Carbon Neutral Province of Belluno)", with the aim of building a Public-Private accord to help continue the Can-Be project.

It involves measurements of greenhouse gas emissions and absorptions in the province, carried out in line with IPCC methods for the years 2014 and 2019.  The results of these studies showed that the Province of Belluno was Carbon Neutral in terms of greenhouse gas production for both years under review, but indicated a downward trend: Carbon removals exceeded emissions by 194% in 2014, and 164% in 2019.

The project aims to meet the following challenges: 

•  To ensure continuity for the Belluno Can-Be project, by guaranteeing the regular production of greenhouse gas inventories. These will allow us to monitor sources of emissions in the Province of Belluno, and help evaluate the effectiveness of emission reduction policies put in place. 

• To develop local policies to encourage greater sustainability, using real data to direct activities in a logical, targeted way, by not wasting financial resources and trying to reconcile economic factors with environmental and social needs. 

• Aumentar la concienciación de los ciudadanos sobre las cuestiones medioambientales mediante la participación pública en el proyecto y en las políticas, la divulgación entre los estudiantes, las reuniones públicas y la promoción de las buenas prácticas aplicadas en el territorio. 

• Diseñar, establecer y promover una marca "Belluno Provincia Carbon Neutral". El uso eficaz y funcional de la marca abriría el camino a un nuevo método de promoción del territorio y de las realidades que operan en el mismo, basado en los valores de colaboración, sostenibilidad y cuidado del medio ambiente.