null A Wellness project especially for Clivet mothers


01 January 2023
Feltre (Belluno)
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Mum@Work is a special project for Clivet mothers, including employees' wives/partners engaged in the world of work. It covers the period from gestation to after the birth, and continues through the first year of the infant's life.

The project consists of group meetings and special "one-to-one" consultations for pregnant women or new mothers, with 2 sessions before the birth and another 2 after the baby is born. In contrast to the ULSS course, Mum@Work places more emphasis on the well-being of the expectant working mother, from both the physical and the psychological points of view.

Luxi Tan, one of the employees who participated in the Mum@Work project, had this to say: "During the course, I learned the importance of breathing, and how various ways of breathing could help me in different situations during pregnancy and childbirth. Thanks to the exercises I learned during the course, I was able to manage the "weird" pregnancy hormones much better, and to feel less pain during childbirth. It was a very special experience and very useful for me in helping to relieve the anxiety surrounding childbirth, a feeling I think all mothers have to some extent towards the end of pregnancy. I also took part in two sessions after the birth, which helped me manage the various pains I was having during that time. I'd heartily recommend this wonderful project to all new Clivet mothers."

Elisabetta, the partner of a Clivet employee, also added: "Childbirth scares everyone and it's a very unpredictable event. By having certain tools at your disposal, and getting to know your body better, you can feel greater serenity in the face of pain and learn to manage your emotions as much as possible. I concentrated on some of the physical exercises that made me feel better in the time before the birth, and helped me prepare for the happy event. Then after the birth, I was able to ask which activities were particularly useful to help alleviate some minor ailments.  During this project, space is also provided for relaxation and discussion, and so the well-being of the mother is considered from all points of view. I found these sessions very helpful, I felt welcomed and understood."